Friday, February 12, 2010

Loaf #4: Fennel and Flax

My dad read my skype tag line which noted that I'm baking bread and passed along his latest concoction. I adapted it just a bit so it would be a clear step from my last white french loaf.

Fennel and Flax
2 1/2c white flour
1/2c whole wheat flour
1/2c buckwheat flour
2T ground flax
1T ground fennel
1/2 an orange finely zested
1 1/2t salt
1t sugar
1t yeast
1 1/4c water

I threw this all together in the food processor and let it rise in the fridge overnight- about 20 hours total. Let it warm to room temp about 3 hours, then formed it into a ball and let it rise 2 hours and put it into the oven at 425F for 30 min. Turned it down to 375 for the last 10 min. Turned out great! Oh, and I misted the oven three times in the first 6 minutes.

Observations: this has a really strong fennel flavor- almost overpowers the orange which I don't taste much at all. Could use a little less fennel. Might also be a slight bitterness from the buckwheat? Not sure- haven't put buckwheat in bread before. Should try it alone. Also could use a little more salt!

The yeast was very active this time- got new stuff that goes in the fridge instead of just in a packet. Might also be the teaspoon of sugar.

Consumed with: butter and ricotta cheese!

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