Friday, February 5, 2010

Loaf #3: Cornbread

So I know cornbread isn't a fancy long-rising bread. Its pretty quick and easy. I'm guilty of usually making it from a mix, but I figured since I'm making other bread from scratch now I might as well do this one, too. And I will NEVER use a mix again- this turned out great!

I doubled the recipe in How to Cook Everything with buttermilk and olive oil. This recipe had me pour 4T of olive oil into a large cast iron skillet and heat it up hot, then turn the heat off. I mixed the rest of the ingredients into the batter. Then I poured the batter on top of the hot oil, which of course squirted up and over the batter along the sides and made horrible looking pools on top. I thought this was going to be a disaster.

But I put the whole thing in the oven to bake and half an hour later it came out looking gorgeous! I ran it under the broiler for two minutes to brown the top up just a bit more. Big success!

Observations: this is a dense, thick cornbread. The recipe called for medium grind cornmeal and I used Arrowhead cornmeal, which is pretty finely ground (doesn't say on the package how fine). I also had a bag of bulk cornmeal from Whole Foods that was clearly a coarser grind- I might try using the coarser stuff next time to see what it does to texture.

Also, next time I will try using butter instead of olive oil- I just didn't have enough butter! The olive oil flavor was definitely present in the cornbread... I think butter will be better (especially since I often put butter on top!)

I meant to put diced fresh jalepenos in this, but completely forgot. Will do next time!

Consumed with: Mom's NYE white bean chili

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